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As this year winds down to a close in a little more than a month, we are preparing for Thanksgiving.  Some are traveling, while others are preparing the menu, and still others are getting their houses ready for a large number of friends and family members.  There are even some people who will be spending Thanksgiving alone.  

For everyone out there, however you spend Thanksgiving, there is something or somebody somewhere out there in this great big world that is a positive light in your life.  Some of us have to think about what that might be, while others can name it without any thought at all.  And then for a lot of us, it may be many somethings or somebodies.  

I know it is such a cliché at this time of year to say ” It’s Thanksgiving!  You should be thankful, regardless of your circumstances!”  And I’m really the last one that should be saying something like that; I have spent a few depressing holidays alone myself, and I have also had many happy holidays with large numbers of family and friends in which I celebrated the bounty of the meal more than I did the blessings that had come my way throughout the year, or the enjoyment of being around people I love.

So what do we do if Thanksgiving rolls around and we feel we have nothing to be thankful for?  When there just doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, we just want somebody, ANYbody, to reach down and grab us out of that dark hole we feel we are in.  

The thing is, the light is there.  We may not be able to see it yet, but it’s there.  And that’s the thing, no matter what our circumstances, that we keep our eyes on in times when we just don’t feel like we have the strength to even keep them open.  Nothing stays stagnant forever; things are constantly changing and evolving, and our lives are no different.  No matter what our circumstances, the fact that they are about to change in some way is almost certain.

So, right now, I am asking you to count on things changing for the better.  Whether you are already in wonderful circumstances and keeping a positive outlook that they will continue to be wonderful, or you feel you are in that deep dark hole and looking for that bright light off in the distance, know that you can choose this Thanksgiving to be a time of renewal and rebirth for you.  

Choose now that things are going to change for the better for you.  Choose to be thankful in advance for a bright future.  Decide now that living with a grateful heart feels so much better than living with a depressed one.  It may sound easier said than done, and you would be right about that.  It takes work to think in a hopeful way when your mind, body and heart are so used to being downtrodden and hopeless.  

But think about that bright light in your life out there somewhere that we mentioned earlier.  That bright light tells you that your life is obviously capable of having bright lights, so you can be determined to have many of them.  And we’re not talking about only the big things; even the smallest blessings can be a light in your life that brightens your days.  

This week, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, my fondest wish for all of you is a happy, peaceful day, rich in blessings and love.  For those of you who are traveling, be careful and have a safe trip.

Blessings to you, and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!