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Last Spring Lucy got in big trouble.  City Boy left one of his school books out on the ottoman and Lucy laid down beside it.  It gave me an idea for a picture using a method I had seen Jay (my younger daughter Emily’s photographer husband) demonstrate.  I made the picture and posted it on Facebook, and poor Lucy created quite a stir without even knowing it!

The caption on the picture had read, “Frank shouldn’t have left his textbook laying around.”

A few people were shocked, including one commenter who stated that he would have kicked the you-know-what out of Lucy for that!  I didn’t expect reactions like that so I hurried and posted that this was a fake picture and Lucy didn’t hurt Frank’s book.  I had been trying to learn to do pictures like this, and didn’t even think it looked real or that anyone else would think it was.  Anyway, except for the mix-up, my first try at pictures like this was fun!

Earlier that same Spring we were in Texas to visit Frank’s family and happened upon a field of Bluebonnets, the Texas state flower.  There were droves of people in the field taking pictures, so we went to the very edge of the flowers to take a picture of Lucy in them.

I might need to mention that, unless she is held down, Lucy does not hold still more than a second.  Ever.

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We gave up after the last one.  I had not started trying to get “good” at taking pictures yet (and it shows), and Lucy was having too much fun.  I even tried to make the cars less noticeable in the first picture by casting that “mysterious shadow” effect around the edges of the picture.  You already see how well THAT worked (or didn’t).

This year our resident birds (which we seem to have a host of) seem to always be picking around in the yard.  I couldn’t quite get all the photography “noise” out of these, I’m assuming because of operator error and also that these were taken from a long way and my camera does not have as big of a zooming capability as I would like.  That said, I caught this little fella/girlie-girl in the yard the other day.  I am not familiar with this kind of bird…


While I was trying to take pictures of it, he/she began to get agitated, and then the feathers started ruffling up.


When I got my face out of the camera long enough to look, I realized what the bird was getting bent out of shape about…


Our resident robin decided she didn’t want any trouble, so she flew into the front yard and found that Frank had put some more bread crumbs out for her (he always does that and that’s why she was so fat over the winter), so all was well.

I captured shots of these two birds while I was in my house, shooting through the window — they were perched at the top of a high tree that was located in another yard, so they were quite a distance from me.

One of these days I’ll actually get out of my yard and go take pictures someplace else.  Laziness does have its drawbacks!  I tend to do a lot more picture-taking in the warm weather — in fact, it’s about all I do when I can wander around outside and find things to take pictures of!

Frank’s daughter Becca has been working hard to craft Precious Baby some hair accessaries, and so now Baby is really in high fashion!  Becca did a fantastic job, and City Boy and I love when she keeps those pictures of Precious Baby coming!



Well, the evening hour is upon us, and I hope everyone is snuggled in at home ready to have a relaxing evening.  If not, be careful out there!